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So where is the HALT on downside?

If you suspect stock manipulation, you should report it to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). They handle cases of market manipulation, insider trading, and other securities fraud.

You can report stock manipulation to the SEC using their online complaint form. Here's the link to the SEC's Tips, Complaints, and Referrals (TCR) system:

[SEC TCR System](

Additionally, if you need to report a market manipulation incident in the United States, you can also contact the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Here's the link to FINRA's complaint center:

Both organizations have detailed instructions on how to submit your complaint and what information you should include.
So where is the HALT on downside?
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  • Ken Griffin Charity2 : This sounds like a very good idea instead of taking the time to learn how trading halts work 👍

  • Double_Bottom : 😆....they probably get paid too

  • 2deMoonmoon : you know the game. by the way, CAT is turned back on today right? let's see if they can catch them and show some reports tomorrow

  • NeoAppleDJ : We don’t know how to do it, could you report on behalf of us?

  • Rusty Shackleford 1 : Ken Griffin Charity blocked me, but I haven't seen a 10% rise or more within a 5 minute period? so if you look up all of the reasons why they can halt a stock, none of them pertain to what is happening here

  • Rusty Shackleford 1 NeoAppleDJ : Do you have a fancy thing that can connect to the internet?

  • MonkeyGee OP Ken Griffin Charity2 : If you suspect stock manipulation, you should report it to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). They handle cases of market manipulation, insider trading, and other securities fraud.

    Please let me know where the requirement is met?
    For a specific stock, trading halts can be imposed multiple times in a single trading session if certain conditions are met. Here's an overview of the key mechanisms and their frequency:

    ### Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) Rule
    The Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) mechanism, which applies to individual stocks, is designed to prevent trades in NMS (National Market System) stocks from occurring outside specified price bands. These bands are set at a percentage level above and below the average price of the stock over the preceding five-minute window.

    Bands and Percentage Levels**: The percentage levels vary based on the stock price and type (e.g., large-cap, small-cap).
     - For stocks in the S&P 500, Russell 1000, and certain other ETFs: ±5%.
     - For other NMS stocks: ±10%.

    Trading Pauses**: If a stock's price moves outside these bands, trading will pause for 5 minutes.

    - **Frequency**: This process can happen multiple times throughout the trading day as long as the stock continues to hit the price bands.

    ### Exchange-Specific Rules
    - **NYSE**: The NYSE can impose additional halts for extreme volatility or unusual trading activity.

    - **Nasdaq**: Similar rules apply to Nasdaq-listed stocks, with halts triggered by significant price movements or operational issues.

    ### No Explicit Limit on Number of Halts
    There's no explicit limit to the number of times a specific stock can be halted in a single day, provided the conditions for halts are met. However, repeated halts can indicate severe volatility or significant news impacting the stock.

    For more detailed and specific rules regarding trading halts, you can refer to the exchanges' guidelines:

  • MonkeyGee OP Double_Bottom : by the halt

  • MonkeyGee OP 2deMoonmoon : what is CAT

  • MonkeyGee OP NeoAppleDJ : I will buy the shares for you also.

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