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SoFi Bears Are Retarded

Y'all are the definition of picking up pennies in front of a bull dozer. If anyone is trying to day trade this stock at any point by shorting it, their will be a reckoning when you all buy into a major correction for the stock and you lose all gains and some probably. I don't know when it will happen, maybe next month, maybe next year, but their is a reason day trading by definition can't work, and posting stuff like thanks for the money bulls is so retarded it hurts. A: You're not taking my money, I bought at 6.80 and won't sell for a long time. B: Your post has no actual numbers attached to it. There is no way for us to see what you actually made on this supposed trade and your portfolio performance over the last 2-5 years. I'm guessing those numbers would be quite kathartic for the rest of us to see but you won't ever give them to us cause then you would be accountable for your actions and that would let us all know how good of an invester you actullay are.
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