Even though the fields are different, Palantir experienced extreme volatility between 20 and 30. Just like that time, during the $7 era, people on the internet may be expecting similar behavior, calling it the Next Palantir or something.
fujikenner : Please don't worry about the typical bandwagon effect often seen in strong stocks.It's dangerous when it suddenly jumps 10% or so.
ここあ_4438 OP fujikenner : Oh, is that so! I will buy more with peace of mind. Is PLTR also like this?
fujikenner : Even though the fields are different, Palantir experienced extreme volatility between 20 and 30. Just like that time, during the $7 era, people on the internet may be expecting similar behavior, calling it the Next Palantir or something.
wa64rt : After all, I'm happy that it keeps going up rather than buying it and going down