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$SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$ Was looking for a stock to hol...

$SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$ Was looking for a stock to hold for extremely long horizon - minimum 2 years. Initially, I was looking at $Palantir (PLTR.US)$ but felt discouraged when their co-founders and CEO sold large amount of shares. SoFi came into my mind. It was very difficult to turn a negative business to a positive one and they did it. I look at their financial statements and it's improving tremendously. Their next earning report is November which falls on same month as US election as well. Their stock price does not reflect well on their technical ratios. It is seriously under-valued. SoFi CEO Anthony Noto is a promising and down to earth person. I bought $100,000 worth of shares today and holding it for minimum 2 years. I'm penning this down so that after few years, hopefully I could told myself that it was a wise decision back then...
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  • HolyPotatoe : Any thot how long should we hold to 10x from now?

  • mooforever OP : From their income statement , x2 or x3 fold till $20 is not difficult within 2 years from now. The game changer will be on their next earning report - November 11th. If it is good, it will be their first full year of having positive earnings. there will be fewer short interest too. I suggest to hold till that period at the minimum. x4 and above have to really depend on their vision already.

  • BFSkinner : Pltr guaranteed future income once they are in. SAS that once companies have gives a distinct edge over competition. Once companies adopt it there no chance of switching
