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$SolarMax Technology (SMXT.US)$@Alvinnnnnnngenius@PandaPower...

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  • Rivera : I think will move green bro

  • 70794146 OP : Thank you

  • Trytosaveabit : Me personally! I think that it could get some up and down in price because it’s new? But i believe overall it’s going down! They are a money loser as a company! They only way they will survive is if the government give them money and or extends the EB-5 program if they can even continue to qualify for it? If not down the road they will be a offering machine! The equipment they need to get from China is subject to tariffs if they can even bring them into country at all? If not then they need to find vendors in USA? That will just cause them to pay more and in turn put them even in worse financial condition? I believe the only reason they went public was to try and raise money for existing debt? Hehehe. Instead of funding for future endeavors? Overall it may make a day trade from time to time? But overall I see this as a loser! This is only my opinion! And everyone else may see it totally 100% opposite of me? And I am always open to debate and being corrected when/where I may be wrong. But as for me this company would have to show me something positive in a earnings or new contracts before I would ever put a dime in for anything more than a scalp trade / day trade! Would love to be wrong or if I am? Please someone point me in a different direction! GL and again JMO

  • MRILIU : If it doesn't fall below 6.5 tomorrow morning, just keep holding
