TheOracleOfBroMaha OP : I sold calls I bought 2 months ago last week but I’m back. Wanted to hold til the go moon (literally) but profit is profit. Took some DJT money & came back. Launch goes well will hit the ceiling
TheOracleOfBroMaha OP : If drop on earnings imma grab more January Calls
27182818 : Was gonna hold off til earnings but this was already up 20% on RKLB Sold half at 12.5.
TheOracleOfBroMaha OP : I sold calls I bought 2 months ago last week but I’m back. Wanted to hold til the go moon (literally) but profit is profit. Took some DJT money & came back. Launch goes well will hit the ceiling
TheOracleOfBroMaha OP : If drop on earnings imma grab more January Calls
27182818 : Was gonna hold off til earnings but this was already up 20% on RKLB Sold half at 12.5.