102675077 : come come
每天都在學習中 : What? What are you blowing? $210 and 219 is the $9 difference? Who has anyone seen $210?
GG2022 OP : it's tesla anything can happen
Hoes for Harris : Back up to 230 by end of next week
101782047 : Nah.. U wont see it today. Those shorted will cover up their position . 225-227 at closing
102675077 : come come
每天都在學習中 : What? What are you blowing? $210 and 219 is the $9 difference? Who has anyone seen $210?
GG2022 OP : it's tesla anything can happen
Hoes for Harris : Back up to 230 by end of next week
101782047 : Nah.. U wont see it today. Those shorted will cover up their position . 225-227 at closing