The Real Wojak : You think this is worth $5 BILLION for just $65M revenue??? I feel sorry for whoever has to marry you
10baggerbamm : the first part was funny the second part of what you said is a real dick comment by the way
Holcomb Shares The Real Wojak : who is this put setting grifter? I can see why he is banned on other sites. dudes a tool
liquidityHunter The Real Wojak : you are just a larp
The Real Wojak : You think this is worth $5 BILLION for just $65M revenue??? I feel sorry for whoever has to marry you
10baggerbamm : the first part was funny the second part of what you said is a real dick comment by the way
Holcomb Shares The Real Wojak : who is this put setting grifter? I can see why he is banned on other sites. dudes a tool
liquidityHunter The Real Wojak : you are just a larp