102867486 : There will be a short squeeze definitely
Gainer42069 : Seeing the Great White Shark Tracking, You Should Abandon the Boat and Escape. The US Stock Market Has Hundreds of Boat Owners to Choose
Solomon Liew OP Gainer42069 : As long as there are enough small fish, great white sharks will be bitten to death in minutes
Gainer42069 Solomon Liew OP : No, just like a tank and a pistol, no matter how many shots a gun hits, it's useless, and Gainer won't answer again.
102867486 : There will be a short squeeze definitely
Gainer42069 : Seeing the Great White Shark Tracking, You Should Abandon the Boat and Escape. The US Stock Market Has Hundreds of Boat Owners to Choose
Solomon Liew OP Gainer42069 : As long as there are enough small fish, great white sharks will be bitten to death in minutes
Gainer42069 Solomon Liew OP : No, just like a tank and a pistol, no matter how many shots a gun hits, it's useless, and Gainer won't answer again.