I am so mad right now. I bought 30 calls on spy yesterday while the current price was at 570. it went to 571.90 and made $180 gains. I didn't sell. This morning it opens at 570 again. I bought some again to average cost down. My average cost is at .04 and current price stays at .02 since the openings even spy ran up from 570 to 575.
Kenny Loy : 590
71237295 : I am so mad right now. I bought 30 calls on spy yesterday while the current price was at 570. it went to 571.90 and made $180 gains. I didn't sell. This morning it opens at 570 again. I bought some again to average cost down. My average cost is at .04 and current price stays at .02 since the openings even spy ran up from 570 to 575.