Shroomie : this aged well... it's coming
Steward Holds OP Shroomie : Nahh i think the worst is over for the time being. Bear nor bulls want any static …
Shroomie Steward Holds OP : why would the market sell off after it pumped then
tangobravoromeo Shroomie :
Steward Holds OP : I don’t understand why buys balls or buys bears get pitted at one another… when in reality, the ones that were up against are the scumbag pigs
Steward Holds OP Shroomie : Whats your perspective on this current move on 1hr tf ?
Shroomie : this aged well... it's coming
Steward Holds OP Shroomie : Nahh i think the worst is over for the time being. Bear nor bulls want any static …
Shroomie Steward Holds OP : why would the market sell off after it pumped then
tangobravoromeo Shroomie :
Steward Holds OP : I don’t understand why buys balls or buys bears get pitted at one another… when in reality, the ones that were up against are the scumbag pigs
Steward Holds OP Shroomie : Whats your perspective on this current move on 1hr tf ?