101821671 : Can you see the current price?
152509429 OP 101821671 : My Hold Positions show the current price as 0.2389, but the closing price after hours clearly was 0.35.
101821671 : It's strange, I also see 0.35 here.
152509429 OP 101821671 : The closing price is 0.35, but you should check how much the current price is in your Hold Positions.
101821671 152509429 OP : I'm showing 0.3502 here.
Super Star 152509429 OP : This is the closing price, which rose to 0.35 after hours.
152509429 OP Super Star : So, I didn't actually lose 1407, right?
Biff : .35
The World’s ATM : Check the opening price on Monday, if you can make a profit before the market opens, then sell. I'm optimistic about it, not selling for now. Haha.
152509429 OP The World’s ATM : You can't keep holding onto this kind of hair tickets. You have to run after making a profit.
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101821671 : Can you see the current price?
152509429 OP 101821671 : My Hold Positions show the current price as 0.2389, but the closing price after hours clearly was 0.35.
101821671 : It's strange, I also see 0.35 here.
152509429 OP 101821671 : The closing price is 0.35, but you should check how much the current price is in your Hold Positions.
101821671 152509429 OP : I'm showing 0.3502 here.
Super Star 152509429 OP : This is the closing price, which rose to 0.35 after hours.
152509429 OP Super Star : So, I didn't actually lose 1407, right?
Biff : .35
The World’s ATM : Check the opening price on Monday, if you can make a profit before the market opens, then sell. I'm optimistic about it, not selling for now. Haha.
152509429 OP The World’s ATM : You can't keep holding onto this kind of hair tickets. You have to run after making a profit.
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