104177231 : Hi, May I know where you can get this piece of info? Thank You.
Tiny Investor 104177231 :
104177231 : Hi DNg, don't get what you mean? Can share more?
Captain Woon : Buy back should support share price so why drop? or because of drop so much then company buy back as believe it's good entry price?
Tiny Investor 104177231 : Click on the announcement then you can see
BeginnerTrader31415 OP Captain Woon : It dropped, then they bought back at below 4.51
Tiny Investor Captain Woon : Yes
b34r 104177231 : Share Buy Back - Daily Share Buy-Back Notice::Daily Share Buy Back Notice
NowayTrader Captain Woon : i also wonder why he say drop? i saw the 1mil shares bought in and increase the stock market price.
104177231 Tiny Investor : Got it, tks for sharing
104177231 : Hi, May I know where you can get this piece of info? Thank You.
Tiny Investor 104177231 :
104177231 : Hi DNg, don't get what you mean? Can share more?
Captain Woon : Buy back should support share price so why drop? or because of drop so much then company buy back as believe it's good entry price?
Tiny Investor 104177231 : Click on the announcement then you can see
BeginnerTrader31415 OP Captain Woon : It dropped, then they bought back at below 4.51
Tiny Investor Captain Woon : Yes
b34r 104177231 : Share Buy Back - Daily Share Buy-Back Notice::Daily Share Buy Back Notice
NowayTrader Captain Woon : i also wonder why he say drop? i saw the 1mil shares bought in and increase the stock market price.
104177231 Tiny Investor : Got it, tks for sharing