-- 147.070 TSLA
-- 415.110 ORCL
-- 184.220 TEM
Tempus AI
-- 50.450 NFLX
-- 953.990 Options are financial derivatives based on underlying securities like stocks, indices, or ETFs. They are versatile trading and investment tools, especially useful in volatile markets. Options offer the potential for significant gains with small investments, provide hedging against stock holdings, and can enhance potential returns. (Learn more about options at Help Center)
TiA Wong : Finally ~~~
黑客淘金者 : Many people will start to burn their hands
Summer1778 : Congrats
CNNT : Hi, after last night's webminar, I tried to set up my first option trade but couldn't proceed because I didn't understand something.
I was trying to sell a covered call. After picking the strike, the period, I had a look at the PNL analysis, and I don't understand these:
1) I chose a strike price, but why is there a bid price lower than that?
2) How can I achieve zero lost in such a trade?
Thanks anyone who can help out