I'm hodling till Monday. Being realistic, I predict a 58-65 high. If i'm wrong no biggy. I only put into the stock market what i'm willing to lose. Ihope you all are doing the same. No one needs to go bankrupt or lose their house. Stay humble and thank you all for supporting each other!
Alexandria : Beautiful 🩷🩷🩷
HODL RDDT : Rk not posting memes yet
152257758 : how did hodl do last time?
TripleY : we are hanging on, but for how long
TheGerries : We need one posting from RK ! Just one please
73492634 : Even if it's a lift, the agency wants to cut the chives again... kitty is their bait
KessXYZJ OP : I'm hodling till Monday. Being realistic, I predict a 58-65 high. If i'm wrong no biggy. I only put into the stock market what i'm willing to lose. Ihope you all are doing the same. No one needs to go bankrupt or lose their house.
Stay humble and thank you all for supporting each other!
71403390 TripleY : End of time