71573442 : I have a different opinion from you. Those indicators are all short-term influencing factors. If we extend the time a little bit, they won't be a problem at all.
Cow Moo-ney OP 71573442 : Agree
Ma-Ke-Mo-Ney : just taking their final effort to scare the remaining panic group out before Oct.
Jimmy 1133 : it's bull run
71573442 : I have a different opinion from you. Those indicators are all short-term influencing factors. If we extend the time a little bit, they won't be a problem at all.
Cow Moo-ney OP 71573442 : Agree
Ma-Ke-Mo-Ney : just taking their final effort to scare the remaining panic group out before Oct.
Jimmy 1133 : it's bull run