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Stock investments starting at 10,000 yen!

Stock investments starting at 10,000 yen!
Here are examples of 3 types of stock investments starting at 10,000 yen, from safety-oriented to aiming for a home run
With the start in 2024, why don't you first start investing in stocks that can be made with a small amount of 10,000 yen or less?
When it comes to investing in stocks, you might think that you can't do it without at least hundreds of thousands of yen of funds, but that's not the case. There are many brands you can buy if you have 10,000 yen.
Therefore, the purpose of investment is divided into 3 types, and I will introduce examples of products that can be purchased within 10,000 yen suitable for each investment, 2 brands at a time.
◎ Objective 1:”I don't want to split the principal! But I want a higher yield than depositing
The risk of principal split is unavoidable when investing in stocks, but it is possible to choose stocks with as low risk as possible. A typical example is an ETF (exchange-traded fund). Among ETFs, there are also products that incorporate government bonds, which are originally low risk products, and reduce the risk of price fluctuations by combining a large number of stocks. Similar to stocks, you can buy and sell at any time, and you can expect higher yields than domestic deposits.
Listed Index Fund MSCI Japan Stock High Dividend Low Volatility ( $Listed Idx F MSCI JPN Eq Hi Div Low Vltl(1399.JP)$) Unit price around 2150 yen (when purchasing only 1 unit), subject to the new NISA growth investment quota
It is an ETF linked to the stock price index “MSCI Japan IMI Custom High Liquidity High Yield Low Volatility Index,” which emphasizes “high dividend yield” and “low volatility (price fluctuation).” Adjustments have been made to suppress overall price movements to some extent according to investment ratios that take into account correlations between stocks, etc. The number of incorporated stocks has risen to approximately 140, and risk diversification is achieved by covering a wide range of industries such as the chemical, construction, and information and communication industries.
The gain/fall rate since it was set in 2015 was 51.12% as of publication at the end of 2024/5. On an annual basis, prices fell only once in 2020 (-11.68%) after 2019, and the most recent dividend yield is around 2.38%. The original investment unit is 10 units, but at moomoo, it is possible to purchase from 1 unit (however, it is not included in the new NISA growth investment quota).
Vanguard US Short-Term Government Bond ETF ( $Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF(VGSH.US)$) The unit price is about 58 dollars (about 9100 yen)
Since it is a product linked to US bonds with 1 to 3 years remaining, government agency bonds, corporate bonds with US government guarantees, etc., it is characterized by high creditworthiness and small price fluctuations. The price range from the highest price (57.970 dollars) to the lowest price (55.308 dollars) in the last 1 year is only about 4.6%. On an annual basis, prices have fallen only 2 times since 2010, and at most, they have fallen only 3.85%. In contrast, the most recent dividend yield is around 3.88% per annum. Since it is traded in US dollars, there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations, but it can be said that it is a product with a relatively stable sense.
◎ Objective 2:”The hottest investment theme right now! Riding the rising tide in the AI and semiconductor sector
Right now, I think it can even be said that there isn't a day that I don't see topics about AI (artificial intelligence) and generative AI “ChatGPT” in newspapers and business internet news. AI is not only useful for improving work efficiency, but it is also expected to change our lives in various fields such as autonomous driving, medical care, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and space-related fields in the future.
The AI/semiconductor sector, which includes semiconductors, which are essential materials for AI, can be said to be the hottest investment theme right now. The stock price of the US semiconductor development company NVIDIA, which is the leading brand in this sector, jumped more than 3 times (239% increase) in 2023, and has risen 2.7 times (173% increase) even after entering '24. In June, it quickly climbed to number one in the world in terms of total market capitalization. It really can be called a “ghost brand.”
NVIDIA has just split 1 share into 10 shares, but even so, the unit price of 1 share is around 135 dollars (about 21,000 yen). Also, if stock prices have risen rapidly this much, there are probably people who are “afraid of a reaction.” What simultaneously solves these two problems is an ETF incorporating AI and semiconductor brands other than NVIDIA.
◆Global X Semiconductor ETF ( $Global X Semiconductor ETF(2243.JP)$) Unit price around 2150 yen, subject to the new NISA growth investment quota
It is an ETF converted into Japanese yen, including dividends, on the Philadelphia Semiconductor Stock Index (SOX Index), which is an index of semiconductor-related stocks in the United States, and is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The SOX Index consists of the top 30 stocks by market capitalization of companies that design, manufacture, distribute, and sell semiconductors listed in the US, and is a representative semiconductor-related stock price index. Of course, NVIDIA also includes well-known brands in Japan, such as TSMC, which is attracting attention for factory construction in Kumamoto Prefecture, and Intel, which is familiar with “Intel included.”
The Global X Semiconductor ETF itself was just set in 2023/4, but the cumulative return since it was set has risen 2.2 times (120%).
◆Global X Semiconductor-related - Japan Equity ETF ( $Global X Japan Semiconductor ETF(2644.JP)$) Unit price around 4850 yen, subject to the new NISA growth investment quota
Nonetheless, stocks of American companies are difficult to understand, and there are probably people who don't want to take risks when the yen appreciates. Such people can also invest in Japanese AI and semiconductor brands. Semiconductors cannot be manufactured by just one company. With sales of NVIDIA semiconductors, which are sought after all over the world, various Japanese companies, such as semiconductor materials and semiconductor manufacturing equipment manufacturers, are also prospering.
The Global X Semiconductor-related - Japan Stock ETF consists of 30 to 40 domestic listed companies with a market capitalization of 30 billion yen or more with a high sales ratio due to semiconductor-related manufacturing. Leading semiconductor-related manufacturers such as DISCO, Tokyo Electron, and Renesas Electronics are lined up at the top of the integration list. The cumulative return since it was set in September 2021 has doubled (102%), prices have risen 88% in '23, and have risen 25% since '24.
◎ Objective 3:”Expect a giant monster if you hit it! Full swing aiming for a home run prepared to strike out
There are probably people who feel the “magnitude of upward profit” when investment stocks grow as the real thrill unique to stock investment, which is a bit different from deposits and real estate investments. Among listed stocks, although technical hurdles are high, there are also companies that are challenging fields where future demand can be expected to increase drastically if successful.
Also, in the US, there are stocks called “meme stocks,” where stock prices fluctuate in the short term in response to announcements on SNS. If things go well, you may be able to get returns many times the investment amount, but there is a high possibility that stock prices will move rapidly without being linked to performance, so be careful.
It might be fun to bet on stocks with such large fluctuations and feel the “romance” of investing.
Nexera Pharma ( $Nxera Pharma(4565.JP)$) Unit price around 1500 yen (when purchasing only 1 share)
It is a drug discovery company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market that changed its name from the “Sosei Group.” Using our unique drug discovery platform as an advantage, we are developing treatments for various diseases such as cancer and metabolic diseases, schizophrenia, and neurological diseases that can be transferred to currently popular “slimming drugs.” A large amount of development investment is required every year, but clinical trial results are unsatisfactory, and development is sometimes stopped midway. On the other hand, if new drugs are sold, huge profits may be generated, and there is also a possibility that lives that could not be saved until now can be saved.
Both business results and stock prices depend on the progress of new drug development, so it is natural that the fluctuation range will increase. In terms of financial results, net profit and loss fell to a deficit of 7.2 billion yen in the fiscal year ending 2023/12, and earnings forecasts for the fiscal year ending 24/12 have not been disclosed. The stock price has been moving in a 60% range from the highest price (3175 yen) to the lowest price (1296 yen) in the last 1 year, and there is a gap of about 300 times between the high price since listing (6545 yen) and the low price since listing (23 yen).
The original investment unit is 100 shares, but at moomoo, it is possible to purchase from 1 share.
◆QPS Research Institute ( $Institute for Q-shu Pioneers of Space(5595.JP)$) Unit price around 2300 yen (when purchasing only 1 share)
It is a venture company from Kyushu University that plans, manufactures, and operates small satellites. The commercial aircraft was successfully launched in 2023/6, and it was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market in December of the same year. In addition to launching artificial satellites, the surface of the Earth can be imaged with microwaves emitted from artificial satellites, and high-accuracy observation and photography of the earth's surface is possible regardless of the weather.
There is a current deficit of 8 million yen in the financial results for the 3rd quarter (23/6/24 to 2/24) of the fiscal year ending 24/5, but we anticipate a final surplus of 140 million yen for the full fiscal year. In May, we also received an order of 1,565 million yen from the Ministry of Defense for the launch of a satellite with a delivery date of 28/5.
The stock price varies 8 times, from the highest price since listing (4975 yen) to the lowest price (643 yen). Currently, it's almost halfway between the lowest price and the highest price.
The original investment unit is 100 shares, but at moomoo, it is possible to purchase from 1 share.
◆Marathon Digital Holdings ( $Marathon Digital(MARA.US)$) The unit price is about 20 dollars (about 3200 yen)
It is a US NASDAQ market-listed company that handles the mining business of crypto assets (virtual currency) such as bitcoins. The deficit continued, but it turned into a final surplus of 260,000 dollars (40 million yen) in the 2023/12 fiscal year. Business performance also increased in the first quarter (January-March) of the fiscal year ending 2014/12 compared to the same period last year.
Stock prices fluctuate drastically because they are affected not only by the results of the company's own operations, but also by communications from investors etc. on SNS and price fluctuations and price forecasts for crypto assets such as Bitcoin. There is a five-fold gap between the lowest price ($7.16) and the highest price ($34.09) in the past year. The gap between the listing low ($0.352) and the high listing price ($234) has risen 660 times.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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