why do people buy in the 200s sorry but it should be alot less as its an automotive stock its not AI. if Ford is under 11 dollars surely this should be like 5 dollars a share Lol.
yes I'm shorting it because Elon Musk is despicable.
Price actions got nothing to do with Elon. First half of the day is technical level driven so whales are tanking profits then rebought at the dip to kills the calls option that are in the money. Second half of day price action is all options driven.
not 'giving'. he's charging 400USD per person for usage. he's not right in the head. remember when he was in TFG's cabinet? then he quit cuz TFG is Cray Cray!! Elon couldn't even abide the nasty. now he's all in? throwing money at TFG, throwing money at down ballot races, putting x on the line of getting kicked off the Internet. he's not right.
I’m not going to argue since its unlikely I’ll change your mind on a message board but I don’t think Elon gets a fair shake by the main stream since he is a disrupter and doesnt support their candidate of choice.
Amina B
I don't care about the minimal philanthropy work this guy does. He is an overpaid, snake oil salesman who is where he is today due to the emerald mine wealth of his forefathers and from using other peoples genius work and passing it off as his own.
72686105 : Stop watching the news. The propaganda has gotten to you. Elon is giving all hurricane victims starlink.
Shroomie : tell us you know nothing about trading without telling us you know nothing
Wenjuan Zhai Shroomie : 来日方长 时间可以证明一切
HoldEmBags : Price actions got nothing to do with Elon. First half of the day is technical level driven so whales are tanking profits then rebought at the dip to kills the calls option that are in the money. Second half of day price action is all options driven.
Amina B OP Shroomie : ha ha I bought leverage shares to short it when it was at high.i made £££s today
DOGBRAINS 72686105 : not 'giving'. he's charging 400USD per person for usage. he's not right in the head. remember when he was in TFG's cabinet? then he quit cuz TFG is Cray Cray!! Elon couldn't even abide the nasty. now he's all in? throwing money at TFG, throwing money at down ballot races, putting x on the line of getting kicked off the Internet. he's not right.
Shroomie DOGBRAINS : and now he lives rent free in your head
Warren Buffed Shroomie : Can trump win...bro
72686105 DOGBRAINS : I’m not going to argue since its unlikely I’ll change your mind on a message board but I don’t think Elon gets a fair shake by the main stream since he is a disrupter and doesnt support their candidate of choice.
Amina B OP 72686105 : I don't care about the minimal philanthropy work this guy does. He is an overpaid, snake oil salesman who is where he is today due to the emerald mine wealth of his forefathers and from using other peoples genius work and passing it off as his own.
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