72934268 : most of the time when guidance is no good stocks tend to go down even if they beat on numbers
Kevin888 : Stock market close before the release time bro
Stockholm Cow OP 72934268 : what's guidance? my apologies, kinda new to this
Stockholm Cow OP Kevin888 : Ah
Kevin888 Stockholm Cow OP : I am pacific time, stock market close at 4pm, earning report release at 5pm
赚个菜钱 Stockholm Cow OP : Everything is excellent, the guidance is also very good, just that a group of institutions on Wall Street want to find excuses to manipulate options.
72934268 : most of the time when guidance is no good stocks tend to go down even if they beat on numbers
Kevin888 : Stock market close before the release time bro
Stockholm Cow OP 72934268 : what's guidance? my apologies, kinda new to this
Stockholm Cow OP Kevin888 : Ah
Kevin888 Stockholm Cow OP : I am pacific time, stock market close at 4pm, earning report release at 5pm
赚个菜钱 Stockholm Cow OP : Everything is excellent, the guidance is also very good, just that a group of institutions on Wall Street want to find excuses to manipulate options.