The best thing I did; as of late, is to sell this stock. Wall street played us.. I lost over $60,000 and have not checked this stock in months. This was one of the largest transfers of wealth from the 99% to the .01%. This stock now hovers around $5, this is after the split. That is equivalent to $50 pre split. Wow I can t see it ever getting that high again. Oh and I forgot to mention that there will be ZERO accountability for us. Go fuck yourself Wall St, we all know the market is about to crash and when it does stand clear of the streets and always look up.
Dannyrb : Why the hell would you sell at this point? You are either a bot stupid.
honest Crow_8075 OP : Sold a few months ago before it goes to zero. AMC’s long term prospects are not looking good. They are still burning cash, have Popcorn as the chief executive and will not be here after the next pandemic hits.
Ken Griffin Charity : Wall Street played you? Since when? Market sentiment for AMC has been negative since before covid. Everyone warned apes that this was a stupid investment, but apes think they’re smarter than everyone else.
Good for you for finally exiting, but no one forced you to invest in this and you should take accountability for your own investment decisions
honest Crow_8075 OP : I agree with you no one forced me to invest but let’s be honest they have a different set of rules governing them. I take full responsibility for this.
Ken Griffin Charity : Everyone makes mistakes and takes losses every now and then . The important thing is to learn from them and you’re good. At least you won’t end up like the bbby sad saps who suffered a total loss on investment
honest Crow_8075 OP : That’s exactly how I look at it.
FANCY PANTS honest Crow_8075 OP : Are you an alt for The White Crow?
Sabertrader39 : It looks like Citadel planted 2 idiots to spam our chat to get us to sell. How pathetic. If I was down 60k, why in the Fuck would you sell now? You idiots are getting more desperate everyday and it's quite pathetic
StrykerAce : The market didn’t play you, these dumb apes did. They have no sympathy for anyone who got burned by the dog shit play
Ken Griffin Charity Sabertrader39 : No one’s asking you to sell. Repeating it repeatedly doesn’t make it true, just like telling yourself you’re going to be rich will never be true, even in a million lifetimes.
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