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Today's moving stocks, hot stocks - December 3rd (Tuesday)

moomooニュース日本株 wrote a column · Dec 3, 2024 10:14
Today's moving stocks, hot stocks - December 3rd (Tuesday)
Good morning moomoo users! We will bring you updates on hot stocks and the latest rating information for the morning session.
Strengths and weaknesses of today
12/3 [Strengths and weaknesses]
3 key points to watch in the morning session
A solid market development led by high-tech stocks
$ITO EN (2593.JP)$The financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending in April 2025 announced by the company showed that the revenue increased by 4% from the same period the previous year to 252.3 billion21 million yen, while operating profit decreased by 15.6% to 14.3 billion89 million yen. Due to the record heatwave, the 'Oi Ocha' brand products performed well, and Tully's Coffee Japan also showed favorable performance in the food and beverage related business.
$Kawasaki Heavy Industries (7012.JP)$Recycling automotive batteries to achieve lithium carbonate recovery with a purity of 99.5%
Active stocks, hot stocks.
The Nikkei Stock Average was strong on the 3rd. Overseas investors, encouraged by the previous day's rise in US high-tech stocks, found it easier to take on investment risks and were buying. By 11 a.m. on the Tokyo Stock Exchange main board, the number of stocks that rose was 1370, while those that fell were 234, and unchanged were 37, with the proportion of rising stocks exceeding 80%. Out of the 33 sectors, 31 saw an increase, with only the marine shipping and electric / gas sectors experiencing a decline. The sector with the highest rate of increase was marine shipping, followed by nonferrous metals, wholesale, electric appliances, precision instruments, and machinery.
Today's moving stocks, hot stocks - December 3rd (Tuesday)
$Tokyo Electron (8035.JP)$Soaring. The clue is that the USA added 140 companies, including Chinese semiconductor-related companies, to the trade restriction list on December 2. According to a Reuters article released on the same day, the restrictions do not apply to the Netherlands and Japan. $Lasertec (6920.JP)$ $Screen Holdings (7735.JP)$ $Disco (6146.JP)$and more are high.
$Nidec (6594.JP)$The rate of increase temporarily exceeded 4%. The company's water-cooled modules for servers are adopted by the USA. $Super Micro Computer (SMCI.US)$ Super Micro Computer Inc. revealed that based on an investigation by a special committee established in response to accounting irregularities on the 2nd, no evidence of wrongdoing was found. It seems to have triggered a buyback trend towards Nidec.
$Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (9107.JP)$ $Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (9101.JP)$ $Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (9104.JP)$など大手をはじめ海運株が軒並み上昇。業種別騰落では33業種中で断トツの値上がり率となっている。中国経済の停滞などを背景に、鉄鉱石や石炭などを運ぶばら積み船市況の値動きを表すバルチック海運指数の下落が顕著となるなか、11月下旬以降調整色が強かったが、PERやPBRなどが際立って低水準で水準訂正を見込んだ買いを誘導しているほか、配当利回りの高さに着目したインカムゲイン狙いの買いが優勢となった。
$ITO EN (2593.JP)$が大幅続伸。前日に上半期の決算を発表、営業利益は14.4 billion円で前年同期比15.6%減となっているが、8-10月期は7.26 billion円で同2.9%増と増益に転じている。
$Nihon Enterprise (4829.JP)$が一時S高で、年初来高値を更新した。同社は2日、 $Toyota Motor (7203.JP)$東京本社に交通情報サービス「ATIS」の提供を開始したと発表。これが材料視されているようだ。
$Kobayashi Pharmaceutical (4967.JP)$が3日ぶり反発。同社は2日、株主のオアシス・ジャパン・ストラテジック・ファンドから臨時株主総会の招集を請求されたと発表した。紅麹事件の発生による信用失墜や、信用回復をめざして全般的な調査および検証が必要であることなどが招集の理由。
$Kansai Electric Power (9503.JP)$が大幅安。公募・売出株の受渡期日を迎えており、需給悪化が顕在化する形になっている。
$Headwaters (4011.JP)$が大幅続伸。2日の取引終了後に車載エッジAIエージェントを第一弾とした自動車業界向け生成AIサービスを強化することを発表し、好材料視されている。強化策の第一弾は、車載エッジAIエージェントのラインナップ強化。
Rating information
Today's moving stocks, hot stocks - December 3rd (Tuesday)
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