101569031 : The risk outweighs the return.
BB Brown : Buy buy buy
MIB : right...Tesla is a great stock
IamMoooo : i wont chase the top right now. happy with my gain.
MIB IamMoooo : definitely...if got cash... buy some on dip...
纳斯达克唔好贪 : Now is the most uncomfortable time, not sure about closing the profit, feeling very conflicted.
101569031 : The risk outweighs the return.
BB Brown : Buy buy buy
MIB : right...Tesla is a great stock
IamMoooo : i wont chase the top right now. happy with my gain.
MIB IamMoooo : definitely...if got cash... buy some on dip...
纳斯达克唔好贪 : Now is the most uncomfortable time, not sure about closing the profit, feeling very conflicted.