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Summary of important person's remarks (9/2-6)

・Bostic, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Predicting the possibility of a soft landing as the labor market gradually loosens"
"Wage increases are receding to a level that contributes to price stability"
According to business sources, the labor market is generally stable, although there is a tendency towards relaxation.
Currently, emphasis is placed on maximum employment goals, on par with inflation.
The Federal Reserve needs to remain vigilant so that inflation risks continue to decline.
Due to remaining risks, it is not yet ready to declare victory over inflation.
Price pressures are rapidly and widely decreasing.
While there is no panic among business insiders, the economy and labor market are seen as losing momentum.
Recent inflation reports have bolstered confidence that inflation is likely to sustainably head towards 2%.
The soft landing of the economy may be approaching.
Should not maintain a restrictive policy stance for an extended period of time.
USA District Federal Reserve economic report (Beige Book)
Economic activity in the USA expanded slightly in three districts, while the number of districts reporting flat or shrinking activity increased from 5 to 9 districts.
Employment was generally stable, but there were scattered reports of businesses only filling necessary positions, reducing working hours or shifts, or decreasing overall employment through layoffs. However, reports of layoffs were rare.
Overall, wage growth was modest.
Manufacturing activities decreased in most districts, with 2 districts noting these declines as part of an ongoing sector contraction.
Softness in residence sales was evident in most districts.
While expecting overall economic activity to stabilize or slightly improve in the coming months, a slight decrease is expected in three districts.
Employment has generally remained stable or seen a slight increase in recent weeks.
In five districts, overall employment has seen slight or moderate growth, but in some districts, companies have reported reducing shifts, working hours, leaving job vacancies unfilled, and decreasing the number of employees through natural attrition.
Employers, due to concerns about demand and unclear economic outlook, have become more cautious in hiring and the likelihood of increasing employee numbers has decreased.
Overall, wages have risen at a moderate pace in line with the recent reports of a decelerating trend.
Overall, prices have risen moderately.
However, in three districts, only a slight increase in sales prices has been reported.
In many districts, both transportation costs and insurance premiums continue to rise.
It is expected that price and cost pressures will stabilize or further ease in the coming months.
- President of the American Silver Futures Federation.
Inflation is declining and the economy is slowing down, so the Federal Reserve should lower interest rates.
The extent of the interest rate cut in September is still unknown, further data such as employment statistics are needed.
The Federal Reserve should adjust its policies to the changing economy.
The labor market has softened, but it is still healthy and there is no evidence of deterioration.
Excessively tight policies may lead to further softening of the labor market.
The US economy is at a turning point, and the data is expected to become more volatile.
If the outlook is clear, proactive action is possible, but currently it is uncertain.
- Takada Bank of Japan's Policy Board Member
We expect to continue growth that surpasses the potential growth rate.
It is difficult to discuss how much to reduce the final government bond holding balance and balance sheet.
Even after raising the policy interest rate, the accommodative financial environment continues.
For the time being, it is necessary to monitor the movements of stocks and exchange rates and determine the impact.
Taking sufficient time, it is necessary to examine the impact of raising the policy interest rate on the economy, prices, and financial conditions and respond accordingly.
If positive corporate behavior continues, further adjustments to the degree of monetary easing will be necessary.
It is difficult to grasp the natural interest rate precisely.
The financial market is prone to increased volatility.
The decision on interest rate hikes always depends on the current economic situation.
Adjusting the degree of easing is the basic stance if the economic price outlook is achieved.
- Janet Yellen, US Treasury Secretary
The labor market in the United States is experiencing a diminishing sense of urgency, but job creation continues.
The job market is strong.
6th day
- Charles Gourley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
"Economic data justifies multiple rate cuts."
"Further warning signs are seen in the labor market."
- Shinjiro Koizumi, candidate for the president of the Liberal Democratic Party
"Immediately instruct the consideration of economic measures."
"We will firmly pursue both economic growth and fiscal soundness."
- John Williams, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
"I have further confidence that the inflation rate is heading sustainably toward 2%."
"The rate cut has become appropriate."
"Today's data is consistent with the slowing economy and the job market."
・Lael Brainard, Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Governor
"If appropriate, I support bringing forward the rate cut."
"The labor market is softening but not deteriorating."
・Austan Goolsbee, President of the Chicago Federal Reserve
"The important task is to prevent the situation from worsening."
"Market trends are very similar to the FRB's forecasts."
Multiple interest rate cuts are an overwhelming consensus of the Federal Reserve.
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  • あきんちょ : Hello. When do you think SOXL will start to rise? I think the interest rate cuts will continue in September and October, but I would like to hear your app feedback. Thank you.

  • ジョモりん : Thank you for summarizing it for me.[undefined]✨

  • ぴるさん OP あきんちょ : The current situation is moving according to Granville's law, isn't it?[undefined]
    Also, the Broadcom financial results were not good, and it feels like it will decline from now on...
    Unless there are good fundamentals, it seems like the decline may go from around 20 to 14 in September to October. That's the latest impression.
    In that case, I think the buying opportunity would be from the latter half of October, when the next fourth quarter financial results are announced, if we assume that it enters an upward trend.

    I want to do a little more fundamental and technical analysis, so I will post the details on the bulletin board later (probably tomorrow). It would be great if you could take a look!

  • ジョモりん ぴるさん OP : Thank you for your insights.[undefined]✨Are you still bearish since September? I will try to identify other possibilities again. It feels like I'm being deceived by the market.[undefined]

  • ぴるさん OP ジョモりん : But there are also cases where it is oversold due to the overall market sentiment being pessimistic, so there are uncertain parts as well.
    There may also be some concerns about the September anomaly.[undefined]

  • ジョモりん ぴるさん OP : Certainly, there is a possibility of the impact of the penetration of the anomaly weak in September. As s were selling vigorously once the market opened, I personally do not refer to anomalies in the 2000s, but I will see if my data fits by whether it will be a positive return or a negative return by the end of September. 💌

  • ぴるさん OP ジョモりん : Thank you♪
    I'm looking forward to it♪

  • あきんちょ : Thank you for your thoughtful app feedback 😭 We will take it into consideration!

  • ぴるさん OP あきんちょ : I wrote about the technical analysis of SOXL ♪ I would be happy if you could take a look ☺️

  • あきんちょ ぴるさん OP : Thank you for the information ✨ I think the points of over-selling will be a hope for the shareholders 😊 After seeing your professional analysis, I felt like I was taking a micro and macroeconomics class at university for the first time! I want to study so that I can explain your analysis to others. Thank you so much ♪

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