10/27/2024 - 12:10 PM
▪️Oral presentation highlights findings that patients treated with Lomecel-BTM in ELPIS I, in an open-label follow-on study, experienced 5-year survival after stage 2 Glenn surgery of 100% with none requiring heart transplant; this compared to the largest data set from the Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial which showed 83% survival, with a 5.2%heart transplantation rate
▪️ELPIS I met its primary endpoint of safety through 1-year post-treatment, with 100%survival rate, 100% transplant-free and patients maintained expected rate of growth one year after treatment
▪️Findings support cell based therapy as a potential adjunct to HLHS reconstruction surgery to improve clinical benefits and reduce the need for subsequent heart transplantation
▪️ELPIS II Phase 2b clinical trial is currently ongoing, further evaluating Lomecel-BTM as a potential adjunct therapy for HLHS versus standard of care alone