74754703 : Average down or buy now, will be good profits
105487287 : Think before buy
105487287 : Keep drop very fast
Pipidaddy 74754703 : Good luck! Bet your house and retirement money, and retire early
105487287 : 20
74754703 Pipidaddy : Thank you
Chong W : Fell down...just let it fall. If it can be pulled up...short sell it around fifty bucks...I think it would be relatively safer...
74754703 : Average down or buy now, will be good profits
105487287 : Think before buy
105487287 : Keep drop very fast
Pipidaddy 74754703 : Good luck! Bet your house and retirement money, and retire early
105487287 : 20
74754703 Pipidaddy : Thank you
Chong W : Fell down...just let it fall. If it can be pulled up...short sell it around fifty bucks...I think it would be relatively safer...