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$Super Micro Computer (SMCI.US)$   Hindenburg short reports ...

Hindenburg short reports are all OPINIONS NOT FACTS will short squeeze come?
if you read the hindenberg report carefully , everything mentinef in the reports has no solid details or real evidence but wild guesses and conspiracy theory and ended with the word ‘BELiEVe ‘or “ APPEARS” “APPARENtLY”which deemed as opinion not facts Hindenburg smci report
due these peronal opinion tactics US judge will throw out the defamation case as judge will deem these are personsl protected opinons not real evidence , trickibg investors with conspiracy with no real evidence . this the same previoos cases suing hibdenberg who use this loophole see below link
smci mgt has confirmed with barclay they are confident of export control compliance below link
so all these hindenberg allegations on russia or china export not compliance just based on random comparsion of components in trade data in some website . did they know any other process to seek approval with us trade office on gettibg waiver ?and where do thet get the trade data from? nondetails. just random allegation with no figures
smci has said they delaying 10k due to change of auditors to save auditor fees and will sue ex employee who say smci has broken law as the ex employee has confirmed this as a fact not opinion. hindenberg in its report has never confirmed this a fact, they just say ex employee say this and this allegstions , thus BELIEVE this evidence based on hearsay. ex employee who are fired but reemployed are apporoved by sec legally , no law is broken
see below link
smci had confirmed 10k has no materisl of 30 june year end earnings , so NO CHANGE in previous profit . if no change in past year earnings where is hindenberg allegations sticking on?
hindenberg is laughing at retail treders who shorting and selling while they seek maximazation on closing their short position or they may already closed. Any us judge will say this short sell report is all personal l protected opinions not facts , but if investors believe it its their own fault . hindenberg is like trump , saying its unproven opinions are deeply researched with accuracy to mislead .As long you believe the unproven opinions in the sell report which was never confirmed in black and white as fact , hindenberg has absolutely no responsibility in the first place
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