韭菜的自我修养 : No, it should be the current price; it won't rise or fall. Too many options, just killed them all
102514703 : Short selling is right; it must fall this week
狠狠玩弄美国股票 OP 102514703 : It's only been half a day this week, why is it falling?
韭菜的自我修养 102514703 : It's not easy to make money by shorting now. Even if it falls to 780 and doesn't even have a volatility, it's free to send money to the bookmaker
韭菜的自我修养 : No, it should be the current price; it won't rise or fall. Too many options, just killed them all
102514703 : Short selling is right; it must fall this week
狠狠玩弄美国股票 OP 102514703 : It's only been half a day this week, why is it falling?
韭菜的自我修养 102514703 : It's not easy to make money by shorting now. Even if it falls to 780 and doesn't even have a volatility, it's free to send money to the bookmaker