72957079 : Are you shy to play with just a few hundreds?
72456636 72957079 : that's all I have
永不止损 72957079 : v I'm 50 to check my strength
Money Thrill : i suppose that i can go down a bit more ?
10baggerbamm : you know I'll save you the time I'll give you my cash app you can just send it to me
102514703 : If you have fallen and lost money, don't delude yourself, just admit that you've been deceived.
72957079 永不止损 : Even if it's a few million dollars, it won't cost you a dime; if you burn it, you won't give it to anyone else
72957079 : Are you shy to play with just a few hundreds?
72456636 72957079 : that's all I have
永不止损 72957079 : v I'm 50 to check my strength
Money Thrill : i suppose that i can go down a bit more ?
10baggerbamm : you know I'll save you the time I'll give you my cash app you can just send it to me
102514703 : If you have fallen and lost money, don't delude yourself, just admit that you've been deceived.
72957079 永不止损 : Even if it's a few million dollars, it won't cost you a dime; if you burn it, you won't give it to anyone else