In the first session for 2025 moomoo's market strategist discusses the potential moves that could result from the installation of the new President of the USA. Mr Trump has promised action on his first day in office. Oil and gas stocks, cryptocurrencies, Tesla, and the US and global economies are all on the radar. Join the discussion, ask questions and have your say as we explore the potential market impacts and the possible course of markets over 2025. Feel f...
XSpace : You should’ve sold at $49
EdwardChoo93 : hold
DragonaZm OP XSpace : waiting to 60
stochastic_calculus : Can share what is your thought process for choosing long expiry instead of short ones?
Son Goku stochastic_calculus : Nasdaq extend till Feb + for Smci to submit the report that's why
stochastic_calculus Son Goku : i see. It’s a higher cost but safer approach as well. I had a strong intuition that it will go up in the next week hence chose a short expiry. But I think your approach is better