Junempty : Buy and hold lol
71306996 : Today's transaction is over 10 billion dollars
Tawfik.Mohammed : Exactly buy and hold for sure the company stocks will raise and then they will break the shares same as Tesla did and other companies
Money Thrill Tawfik.Mohammed : Indeed, I buy at 450 $ and don't sell even there was a lot of opportunity because I believe in it for 2 à 3 years
Junempty : Buy and hold lol
71306996 : Today's transaction is over 10 billion dollars
Tawfik.Mohammed : Exactly buy and hold for sure the company stocks will raise and then they will break the shares same as Tesla did and other companies
Money Thrill Tawfik.Mohammed : Indeed, I buy at 450 $ and don't sell even there was a lot of opportunity because I believe in it for 2 à 3 years