KagamiT : It will be frozen and you can’t trade it on the platform
Bunny Pa Pa : The CEO will personally compensate you.
103747951 : chairman will personally knock your door to offer you cash
NoobGirl : moomoo will not take responsibility
InfiltradeR : ChatGPT has all your answers.
一天赚一点莫贪 : I just lost 50% and closed my position, I won't wait for this
105251507 : bro..this will be penny stock
KagamiT : It will be frozen and you can’t trade it on the platform
Bunny Pa Pa : The CEO will personally compensate you.
103747951 : chairman will personally knock your door to offer you cash
NoobGirl : moomoo will not take responsibility
InfiltradeR : ChatGPT has all your answers.
一天赚一点莫贪 : I just lost 50% and closed my position, I won't wait for this
105251507 : bro..this will be penny stock