74754703 : Exactly what I’ve been thinking, sounds like a short seller profiting ….. oooh wait it is
pro-active Kiwi_0985 : all this noise I'm just waiting on the rocket tomorrow yall keep that same energy
73852972 pro-active Kiwi_0985 : At what time we will get ernings?
WeiTheSaint469 pro-active Kiwi_0985 : I'll ping u at closing to see ;)
EUGENE啊梁 : Let's report them, if you feel you have been defrauded, you can report to the SEC:sec.gov/submit-...
74754703 EUGENE啊梁 : Report who?
EUGENE啊梁 : You
74754703 EUGENE啊梁 : Hahahaha, give it a go
Master Corgi : Still is though
74754703 : Exactly what I’ve been thinking, sounds like a short seller profiting ….. oooh wait it is
pro-active Kiwi_0985 : all this noise I'm just waiting on the rocket tomorrow yall keep that same energy
73852972 pro-active Kiwi_0985 : At what time we will get ernings?
WeiTheSaint469 pro-active Kiwi_0985 : I'll ping u at closing to see ;)
EUGENE啊梁 : Let's report them, if you feel you have been defrauded, you can report to the SEC:sec.gov/submit-...
74754703 EUGENE啊梁 : Report who?
EUGENE啊梁 : You
74754703 EUGENE啊梁 : Hahahaha, give it a go
Master Corgi : Still is though