103401979 : When is the qr release date
CJ8128 OP 103401979 : I dont know exactly ,but latest by end of this month.
102977670 : what's happening today? gap down?
CJ8128 OP : Profit Qvs Q is lower but vs LY is +200+% .
hamtaro99 : Should I sell, -11% loss.
GorengKitty 102977670 : Below markeet expectations. Short term swing traders are exiting
CJ8128 OP : Hold , it will rebound once there is more understanding of the financials
GorengKitty hamtaro99 : If u think future outlook good then keep if not sell
hamtaro99 CJ8128 OP : What u mean by vs LY is +200+%?
103401979 : When is the qr release date
CJ8128 OP 103401979 : I dont know exactly ,but latest by end of this month.
102977670 : what's happening today? gap down?
CJ8128 OP : Profit Qvs Q is lower but vs LY is +200+% .
hamtaro99 : Should I sell, -11% loss.

GorengKitty 102977670 : Below markeet expectations. Short term swing traders are exiting
CJ8128 OP : Hold , it will rebound once there is more understanding of the financials
GorengKitty hamtaro99 : If u think future outlook good then keep if not sell
hamtaro99 CJ8128 OP : What u mean by vs LY is +200+%?