they adjusted the amount so I am back to how much I had last Friday. but the number of shares didn't changed yet. i called again this morning and they said it might take a few more days to adjust shares. like in one account I have 190 so now it should be 1900. But although the right amount is now there it still say 190 shares at 16..
JD72282267 : they adjusted the amount so I am back to how much I had last Friday. but the number of shares didn't changed yet. i called again this morning and they said it might take a few more days to adjust shares. like in one account I have 190 so now it should be 1900. But although the right amount is now there it still say 190 shares at 16..
73959024 OP JD72282267 : Thanks for your feedback
JD72282267 73959024 OP : happy to do so. 19,000 people read me and no one left a comment. i thought it was very strange. so I am glad to share info.