IM TRADER : That's not how it's calculated, old chap. 30% is 30% of the dividend amount. 2.16 - 30% = 1.512, not 30% of the total investment amount.
离火盛世 IM TRADER : so u still lose that 60 cents per share, if your entry price is 15, you lose 4% for the withholding tax
IM TRADER 离火盛世 : That's correct, but fortunately the growth of the US stock market is fast, so this loss can be recouped quickly. If dividends are reinvested, it will be compounded.
绽放曙光 : May I ask why the stock price has dropped now even though the ex-dividend date is on the 24th, which should be this evening USA time?
IM TRADER : That's not how it's calculated, old chap. 30% is 30% of the dividend amount. 2.16 - 30% = 1.512, not 30% of the total investment amount.
离火盛世 IM TRADER : so u still lose that 60 cents per share, if your entry price is 15, you lose 4% for the withholding tax
IM TRADER 离火盛世 : That's correct, but fortunately the growth of the US stock market is fast, so this loss can be recouped quickly. If dividends are reinvested, it will be compounded.
绽放曙光 : May I ask why the stock price has dropped now even though the ex-dividend date is on the 24th, which should be this evening USA time?