Salmon Klein
Not positive yet? Wasn’t expecting news until next month at shareholders meeting! I’m dreaming of a buyout? Hehehe! But all I know right now is it’s a news coming halt! GL
Salmon Klein
yeah right, I didn't see anything at the website either, but recently volume ratio is quite high so I hope good news will come rather soon than later because I am holding 5k shares at 0.11 hahaha jesus, what a bad trader I am
Salmon Klein
My average is just below yours at .1017. I was holding until delist or buyout! Either way I wasn’t letting go of this one! Rare for me but I really have/had high hopes with this company! GL
Sorry! I wish I had more information! But as now all my outlets only have what I’ve already posted ( NASDAQ T1 pending news halt ) I’m trying to stay on top of it? GL
Salmon Klein
yeah, me too, bro. let's just wait until the hearing is closed. if positive, it will come back again otherwise..bye bye
Salmon Klein : what's going on with this?
Salmon Klein : I am holding for long, any fda update no in Moomoo?
Trytosaveabit OP Salmon Klein : Not positive yet? Wasn’t expecting news until next month at shareholders meeting! I’m dreaming of a buyout? Hehehe! But all I know right now is it’s a news coming halt! GL
Salmon Klein Trytosaveabit OP : yeah right, I didn't see anything at the website either, but recently volume ratio is quite high so I hope good news will come rather soon than later because I am holding 5k shares at 0.11 hahaha jesus, what a bad trader I am
Trytosaveabit OP Salmon Klein : My average is just below yours at .1017. I was holding until delist or buyout! Either way I wasn’t letting go of this one! Rare for me but I really have/had high hopes with this company! GL
JTS HR : seriously WTF is going on?
Trytosaveabit OP JTS HR : Sorry! I wish I had more information! But as now all my outlets only have what I’ve already posted ( NASDAQ T1 pending news halt ) I’m trying to stay on top of it? GL
103059786 : no holding but pls give good new
Salmon Klein Trytosaveabit OP : yeah, me too, bro. let's just wait until the hearing is closed. if positive, it will come back again otherwise..bye bye