101885478 : There should be no big problem.
103172898 OP 101885478 : Go for it then
101885478 103172898 OP : Broken.
103172898 OP 101885478 : Sold.
101885478 103172898 OP : There should be no problem with 215.
103172898 OP 101885478 : I have already sold it.
101885478 103172898 OP : There is still a chance, no need to rush.
101885478 : There should be no big problem.
103172898 OP 101885478 : Go for it then
101885478 103172898 OP : Broken.
103172898 OP 101885478 : Sold.
101885478 103172898 OP : There should be no problem with 215.
103172898 OP 101885478 : I have already sold it.
101885478 103172898 OP : There is still a chance, no need to rush.