105251507 : chill..just few minutes..
102514703 105251507 : 就会跌更多?
105251507 102514703 : fundamental good and tsm is monopoly..
102514703 105251507 : But also need to consider the opinion of usa dad.
105251507 102514703 : factory at arizona already bro
RC84 : Taipei Stock Market Foreign Investment Mania TSM Max. Constituent Shares 51698Historical Highs Index Blank Futures He won't hit TCM again. He'll be sent to outer space.
102514703 105251507 : So? There's no need to dodge his expression?
Mootiang : Because Trump win
105251507 : chill..just few minutes..
102514703 105251507 : 就会跌更多?
105251507 102514703 : fundamental good and tsm is monopoly..
102514703 105251507 : But also need to consider the opinion of usa dad.
105251507 102514703 : factory at arizona already bro
RC84 : Taipei Stock Market Foreign Investment Mania TSM Max. Constituent Shares 51698Historical Highs Index Blank Futures He won't hit TCM again. He'll be sent to outer space.
102514703 105251507 : So? There's no need to dodge his expression?
Mootiang : Because Trump win