The Real Wojak
I hate life so much. ONLY REASON I sold was because I had to go to my have breakfast with my mom for her birthday and so I closed out so I wwouldn't have to worry about it but I ended up worrying about it so much more through all of breakfast couldn't pay attention to shit because ACB just kept ripping and now I'm not with her anymore and I missed the play like I should've just stayed home. Now I have to wait fucking weekend for the market to open again ugh
SpawnofAuburn : Same. Took profit at 4.25.
SpawnofAuburn : Any thoughts on another move up?
The Real Wojak OP : I hate life so much. ONLY REASON I sold was because I had to go to my have breakfast with my mom for her birthday and so I closed out so I wwouldn't have to worry about it but I ended up worrying about it so much more through all of breakfast couldn't pay attention to shit because ACB just kept ripping and now I'm not with her anymore and I missed the play like I should've just stayed home. Now I have to wait fucking weekend for the market to open again ugh
The Real Wojak OP : So fucking stupid ugh the breakout was so fucking obvious
The Real Wojak OP : Life is fucked up like that, forces you to choose between money and family
LuckyLuke : could go up to 8ish lvl next week
itsgoodinmysoul The Real Wojak OP : Happy belated