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I haven't moved much since it's been a long period of time, but I think it will always rise over a few days if the market is just weak without clear reason or basis, and I think the result will be that it was just a shopping place... in a recession, it is normal for people to later recognize that that time was an economic recession... so as a possibility, it is also possible to predict that it will decline by incorporating the upcoming economic recession, and there is a possibility that it has bottomed out I also have to think about it, if it's the latter, I think it's unlikely that corporate performance will fall into a serious recession, so there is a possibility that it will be a perfect place to buy later... and in this case, I think the soft, hard, and no recession will be judged based on what kind of movement the index makes, but in my opinion, there is no clear data on falling into a recession and now is in a recession phase, it's a soft landing or something It means you're walking the path of No Landing
Among them, interest rate cuts will begin with a high probability in September, and I don't think there is any need to worry if data on economic indicators that suggest a rapid rise in the unemployment rate or economic recession does not deteriorate rapidly, so isn't it really too much of an overreaction? I have a feeling, but what do you guys think
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