Queen Of Wall Street
Based on the technical Analysis DJT is up too high too quick $55s Highs but will Close around $51.50s to as low as $47.30s after reaching $55s Highs today BUT not to say that $60s isnt coming tomorrow or in Afterhours after 4pm.
Queen Of Wall Street
Jimmy chin
IF you're Day Trading DJT it's a Selloff at $55s then SHORT from $55s COVER at $51.00s to $47s REBUY for the Spike back to $50s from $47s. IF SWING trading DJT it's a DIAMOND HOLD for +$100s
流浪者 : Can you run 60
Jimmy chin : Do I need to sell 55 before asking for airdrop because I'm afraid of missing out?
LookJock Jimmy chin : Sell it directly.
Queen Of Wall Street OP 流浪者 : Based on the technical Analysis DJT is up too high too quick $55s Highs but will Close around $51.50s to as low as $47.30s after reaching $55s Highs today BUT not to say that $60s isnt coming tomorrow or in Afterhours after 4pm.
Queen Of Wall Street OP Jimmy chin : IF you're Day Trading DJT it's a Selloff at $55s then SHORT from $55s COVER at $51.00s to $47s REBUY for the Spike back to $50s from $47s. IF SWING trading DJT it's a DIAMOND HOLD for +$100s
流浪者 Queen Of Wall Street OP : 我感觉可以跑70