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Technically we are the support

Saylor keep selling their shares to buy BTC, and we are keep buying MSTR as support.
Just one question , why cant we just buy BTC? Does this means Saylor is sacrificing us? ok thats 2 questions
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  • ahhao : It depends on how much was diluted against hoe much btc was added. If the btc added is more than the dilution, shareholders gain. U can see their financial reports or mstr tracker. Imagine u bought a stock at 100, this stock gets u more and more bitcoin and it is only increasing and not sold. Now, imagine u are an average stacker, do u buy btc as much as mstr? That all being said, buying and self custody btc is still the no1  move

  • BuyLowSellHighTrader : You want 1x btc or 2x / 3x btc ? I recommend you go watch their last earning call. They explained the bitcoin yield very clearly.  Here is the link 🔗 - YouTube

  • Harvest Love OP : So I can conclude that this is a leverage that if the BTC keep goes up, everyone gains. If BTC crashed , we are doomed right?

  • RiskGame Harvest Love OP : Of course if btc crashes,  mstr will crash more.

    But if you are bullish on btc long term, then you should buy mstr.  You buy once, saylor keep buying more btc for you.

    The day he says he won't buy anymore, then we got to worry cos the mnav may get lower n lower unless he somehow come out with another genius strategy to monetise all that btc.

    If he can make big money from lending btc or create derivatives on btc,  lighting network   etc,  then mstr will be like nvidia of crypto.

  • RVLTN : You need to do the homework , you can’t cheat off others on this one, you can’t gloss over some “data”.
    And think you know. There is a test , a final exam actually and it’s happening now.
    The dollar is going to zero ( see the mark in 1920s Weimar Germany as example ) they are us and we are them.
    Microstrategy , and now a growing list of other companies, funds and national treasuries , are seeing this certain truth and there is no harder currency or wealth management device , not even close.
    Saylor and $Strategy (MSTR.US)$ are simply using the resources available to them ( in the lol rules base order west - priced in decaying , debasing , dollars) to leverage purchases in the this finite asset. It’s brilliant really. The infinite money glitch.

    You are in or you are not but the dollars you make need to be used when taken out for purchasing your families wealth and destiny.
