104126788 : What happened, why did it fall like this
rvrs OP 104126788 : Bad financial reports, weak guidance
101851523 : Gosh, I listened to that stupid Cathie Woods and have been holding this since $70
104126788 101851523 : That's when things are 70 dollars left
见好就收Chen : 308 dropped to 8 and it was speechless!
104126788 : What happened, why did it fall like this
rvrs OP 104126788 : Bad financial reports, weak guidance
101851523 : Gosh, I listened to that stupid Cathie Woods and have been holding this since $70
104126788 101851523 : That's when things are 70 dollars left
见好就收Chen : 308 dropped to 8 and it was speechless!