Smooth Moves : Hey, how do you figure out if a company is delisting? Do you know if BSLK is delisting or what their deal is?
This_Guy OP Smooth Moves : You can visit the maintained list at Issues Pending Suspension or Delisting
This_Guy OP Smooth Moves : I don't see bslk on the list. It was a merger recently though and the bslk ticker is the new ticker for bolt after the merger.
Smooth Moves : Thank you for the info!
Smooth Moves : Hey, how do you figure out if a company is delisting? Do you know if BSLK is delisting or what their deal is?
This_Guy OP Smooth Moves : You can visit the maintained list at Issues Pending Suspension or Delisting
This_Guy OP Smooth Moves : I don't see bslk on the list. It was a merger recently though and the bslk ticker is the new ticker for bolt after the merger.
Smooth Moves : Thank you for the info!