RIPPER : Trendline……either bounce or fall ahead
RIPPER : The trendline gives you a good idea why that bounce happens…..the one i drew in the other image
Rivera OP RIPPER : Yes master
Rivera OP RIPPER : Thanks
RIPPER Rivera OP : Isn’t it interesting when you’ve figured out in your head, how all the movement occurs haha know what I mean?
BiGEAGLE719 : WiLL TesLa come back down to $250 or never ?
Rivera OP BiGEAGLE719 : Little reverse to 250 and them try again to Broke 260 if broke 260 goes to 278 fast
RIPPER Rivera OP : Trend holding perfect thus far….rRIGHTon the mark
BiGEAGLE719 Rivera OP : So shouLd i seLL my 12 shares of TesLa or hoLd because i bought them at $235 ?
Rivera OP BiGEAGLE719 : I sold my 50 shares at 257
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RIPPER : Trendline……either bounce or fall ahead
RIPPER : The trendline gives you a good idea why that bounce happens…..the one i drew in the other image
Rivera OP RIPPER : Yes master
Rivera OP RIPPER : Thanks
RIPPER Rivera OP : Isn’t it interesting when you’ve figured out in your head, how all the movement occurs haha know what I mean?
BiGEAGLE719 : WiLL TesLa come back down to $250 or never ?
Rivera OP BiGEAGLE719 : Little reverse to 250 and them try again to Broke 260 if broke 260 goes to 278 fast
RIPPER Rivera OP : Trend holding perfect thus far….rRIGHTon the mark
BiGEAGLE719 Rivera OP : So shouLd i seLL my 12 shares of TesLa or hoLd because i bought them at $235 ?
Rivera OP BiGEAGLE719 : I sold my 50 shares at 257
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