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Tesla Optimus humanoid robot has evolved again, WiMi starts layout in AI field

The latest video of the $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Humanoid robot has been released. Optimus Humanoid robots have evolved and are now able to classify objects just by vision and learn to sort objects without any regular code.
Tesla Optimus humanoid robot has evolved again, WiMi starts layout in AI field
An update on Tesla's first humanoid robot
In response, Musk replied: " More upgrades to the actuators, sensors, and the overall mechanical structure are yet to come."Optimus is a smart robot released by Tesla in August 2021. It is designed to be able to perform dangerous or boring tasks for humans, such as carrying heavy objects and purchasing groceries.
On Tesla's episode 2,2023, earnings call in July, Musk said he thinks only five robots are currently being produced. The number of Optimus robots, although a little small, will increase every month in the future.
Tesla Optimus humanoid robot has evolved again, WiMi starts layout in AI field
The humanoid robot industry has a broad space for development
At present, new technologies, new products, and new business forms represented by humanoid robots and general artificial intelligence are booming, and they are becoming the commanding heights of global scientific and technological innovation. The humanoid robot has been a very clear next tuyere and is also the main application carrier of artificial intelligence technology.
From a technical point of view, one of the main pain points in the development of humanoid robots is that their movement ability is not enough to match the actual application scenarios. The reason is the limitation of algorithm complexity and data scale, which leads to the lack of intelligence. However, in 2023, the development of ChatGPT and other ARTIFICIAL intelligence large model technologies will improve the level of robot intelligence by leaps and bounds, including human-computer interaction, autonomous learning and decision-making ability, and perception and behavior are expected to form a closed loop.
Tesla Optimus humanoid robot has evolved again, WiMi starts layout in AI field
ChatGPT Brings human-like dialogue and understanding ability to robots. With GPT learning ability more powerful than human beings, combined with the optimization of parameters and models, GPT will soon become an expert level in some professional fields, and their evolution speed will be beyond imagination.
Connecting this large AI model that can understand natural language and have autonomous evolution ability to robots solves a very core problem of humanoid robots, that is the intelligent brain. The two cores of intelligent robots: one is the intelligent brain; the other is the flexible physical form. When both technologies have achieved breakthroughs and commercial commercialized, it means the era of true man-machine collaboration.
Industry insiders said that humanoid robots involve new fields and have high technological content, and their innovative development contains huge productivity potential, which is expected to drive the emergence of new economic growth points. According to the report released by GGII in May 2023, the penetration rate of global humanoid robots in service robots is expected to reach 3.5% by 2026, the market size exceeds $2 billion, and the global market size is expected to exceed $20 billion by 2030.
Humanoid robots will be the next wave of AI
The rapid evolution of the underlying technology has shown the whole world the possibility of large-scale commercialization of humanoid robots, and the world's major technology giants are trying and preparing. Data show that $WiMi Hologram Cloud (WIMI.US)$ is accelerating the layout of the humanoid robot track, taking the lead in hardware and software. From the future of ChatGPT to the iteration of the underlying model of artificial intelligence, WiMi Hologram Cloud Construction constantly improves the core technology capability of artificial intelligence technology as the driving force. With the deepening of the development of the humanoid robot industry in the future, it is expected to explore the intelligent selection mode of "humanoid robot".
As an important scene of AI landing, the humanoid robot is accelerating its development. At present, WiMi Hologram Cloud has conducted in-depth research on artificial intelligence technology, closely combined AI chip and artificial intelligence technology, and developed a human-computer interaction system based on XR technology. By collecting the user's location and perspective, the user only has to interact with the computer in the most natural way of communication, as if with a real person. WiMi Hologram CloudAI The announcement of the human-computer interaction patent, thanks to the continuous breakthrough in basic core technologies, has entered the humanoid robot track echelon, laying a solid foundation for the development of the humanoid robot industry.
The humanoid robot track involves several industrial chains, and the industrial applications include public service, automobile manufacturing, semiconductor, medical care, and other diversified scenarios. On industry applications, WiMi Hologram Cloud in humanoid robot track in the industrial chain layout, formed with an independent core algorithm, core software, and hardware, robot industry system solutions for the integration of the whole industry value chain, promote humanoid robot technology and industry high-level development, adhere to the machine drive, soft synergy, ecological construction improve the supply capacity of key generic technology, fu can assign more industry innovation and development. With strong technical strength, cutting-edge innovation theory, and rich experience in research and development, WiMi Hologram Cloud is expected to stand out in the humanoid robot track in the future and achieve curve overtaking.
To sum up
Entering 2023, the robot industry seems to have ushered in a historic "innovation explosion" moment, among which, the development of humanoid robots has attracted the attention of the market. At present, the humanoid robot track is on the eve of a hundred flowers blossoming and a hundred schools of thought competing. In the short term, the upstream companies of the humanoid robot industry chain will give priority to benefit. In the long term, the humanoid robot is a flower that will eventually open, and that needs long-term tracking and attention. Of course, humanoid robot enterprises also need to go through the process of application scenario cultivation and market education. However, with the accumulation and fission of technology, humanoid robots will strongly support the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of the industry, and usher in their own iPhone moment!
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