Despite Tesla’s problems and the controversy swirling around Musk, many shareholders believe keeping him at the company, and focused on Tesla more than SpaceX, his new artificial intelligence company xAI, and his rebranded social media company X, or his other ventures, is crucial for the company’s future.
ShawnChengDu : Pay the man
WillsonToh : He did not increase the market hence no pay
57AB : please pay the man, don't be like your pastor Trump who do not pay contractors. pay him immediately with interest and apology
Clo Pro : How so? Without Elon there would be no market!
Mario M Lopez : He deserves to get paid!
Kenneth Edwards : Get out of Delaware! Texas is much more business-friendly than the blue Biden state.
請照亮我前行 : Pay him to generate few time more revenue. No one can replace him!
101828382 : so what is Tesla future with him? anyone has any idea?
102593408 : Just pay lah!
Guicho 57AB : Don't lie about Pinocchio's nose!
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