The event draws parallels to past debates over technology and privacy. In cases like the San Bernardino shooting, companies like Apple resisted compromising user security, citing broader implications. Tesla's proactive involvement, however, raises questions about whether such interventions will become routine, eroding privacy norms over time.
Coach Donnie : thank you @bullrider_21
72653902 : Well said, privacy rights are indeed very important.
看神吃饭 72653902 : Don't drive, just walk. It's best not to show your face. Haha.
bullrider_21 OP Coach Donnie : yw
103899600 : Bruh if you are so worries about privacy just dump your phone in the trash bin.. literally all phonesand smart devices have GPS and data collection agreements you can accept or reject..
TokenSleep : Privacy is an illusion. The only things you can hide is what stays in your mind. Who cares if you have nothing to hide.
晴瓦林 TokenSleep : Yeah, your credit card isn't a secret. Why not give it to a random stranger just because you have nothing to hide. Or you have something to hide, if so, the hiding nothing argument is very dishonest.
晴瓦林 看神吃饭 : Do you think privacy is a religious belief? Then "nothing to hide" can also be a religious belief.
72653902 看神吃饭 : Some RBOB Gasoline vehicles and some electric vehicles are very good at protecting privacy.
72653902 看神吃饭 : North American people actually pay great attention to privacy protection, otherwise this news wouldn't have come out. If all your privacy is exposed, perhaps safety will be greatly compromised.
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