天真 : Buying options? Harshly enough
imaginative Coyote_8 : Don't gamble dude, it's not worth it别赌博伙计,不值得
Teh shit lah : It's aggressive enough to buy up the right to increase. I'm really satisfied with you
股中股 : The risk of options is greater than that of the underlying stock, even if left, there will be wear and tear. As a last resort, it is not recommended
charming Dinosaur_68 OP 股中股 : alright
股中股 charming Dinosaur_68 OP : How long did it take
charming Dinosaur_68 OP 股中股 : This week, next week, next week
股中股 股中股 : I sent you a message, it's you
股中股 charming Dinosaur_68 OP : I sent you a message and I'll show you
天真 : Buying options? Harshly enough
imaginative Coyote_8 : Don't gamble dude, it's not worth it别赌博伙计,不值得
Teh shit lah : It's aggressive enough to buy up the right to increase. I'm really satisfied with you
股中股 : The risk of options is greater than that of the underlying stock, even if left, there will be wear and tear. As a last resort, it is not recommended
charming Dinosaur_68 OP 股中股 : alright
股中股 charming Dinosaur_68 OP : How long did it take
charming Dinosaur_68 OP 股中股 : This week, next week, next week
股中股 股中股 : I sent you a message, it's you
股中股 charming Dinosaur_68 OP : I sent you a message and I'll show you