咘咘灬 : How is that possible, around 216, right?
73150736 OP 咘咘灬 : Believe me, there are still over 20 minutes, wait and see.
咘咘灬 73150736 OP : okok
Tyler0710 : 217 ending today
咘咘灬 : wait and see
73150736 OP : Determine fifteen, haha
咘咘灬 73150736 OP : With such a bad mood, grinding all day, it will definitely go down, how could it go up?
咘咘灬 : How is that possible, around 216, right?
73150736 OP 咘咘灬 : Believe me, there are still over 20 minutes, wait and see.
咘咘灬 73150736 OP : okok
Tyler0710 : 217 ending today
咘咘灬 : wait and see
73150736 OP : Determine fifteen, haha
咘咘灬 73150736 OP : With such a bad mood, grinding all day, it will definitely go down, how could it go up?